Foundations for Farming USA is an initiative aimed at bringing transformation to individuals, communities and nations through faithful and productive use of land. God has revealed a very simple conservation farming method with an implementation management teaching, which when applied help people to apply the Gospel to their lives.
It is our desire to help people see the importance of making the land beautiful, fruitful, and habitable. Through hands-on trainings and other resources we hope to equip people to be good stewards of the land, whether they have a container garden on their patio, or a full-fledged farm. Our heart is especially to help the poor have access to healthy, fresh food that they have profitably grown themselves.
We offer training on three different levels:
Level One: The Backyard Gardener
-Classes for beginners seeking to produce some of their own food.
Level Two: The Homesteader
-Classes for experienced gardeners seeking to produce most of their own food.
Level Three: The Market Farmer
-Classes for homesteaders seeking to produce food for sale to others.

See below for our upcoming events:

God’s ways are always the best. The ‘Owner’s Manual’ (the Bible) gives very detailed instruction on how to care for the planet He made for us. This ministry of Biblical farming needs to be taught in every church and Christian school in the world, especially now. Hunger and famine are only one failed harvest away in so many countries. Greed and power are competing for control of humanity, and food is a powerful weapon.
I have been thinking about the way people feed their families these days; how far removed from the source, how dependent on the local grocery store for everything and how quickly the shelves empty when a disaster threatens. I think about how only a handful of individuals control food production for the entire planet and how the goods they bring to market are nutrient deficient, lack variety, and are generally poor quality.
Christians need to lead the way in restoring the ‘paths to dwell in’, and building up waste places; in other words: demonstrate a lifestyle that is Biblical. The environmental movement is pagan, because it worships nature, and the earth itself, it’s destructive because it demands that nature be allowed total freedom and that humanity has no right to ‘manage’ or dominate nature. The very basis of the Eco-movement is a denial of the existence of God, and the God given command for mankind to care for the earth, be fruitful and multiply, spread out over the face of the earth etc.
Enough ranting. Be encouraged, God’s ways are best.